Monday, October 17, 2011

Kill your #MondayBlues !

Thought this should bring some smile on Monday. Kill those #MondayBlues

One liners  
Monday is a awful Day to spend 1/7 th of your life !

Why is that U live Ur Sunday as if U achieved all that U want, carefree & only on Monday Ur expression change to "Uh-Oh ! :(" #MondayBlues

Its that #AwkwardMoment when Monday don't only stares at you but laughs at your pending work #MondayBlues

Why does it feel like you are going to school in summer vacations !? #MondayBlues

Good Morning ! And am back with a ..... *Fhhhuussss* ! #MondayBlues

Hello Dear, I am that stranger your parents warned you when you were a kid. Sincerely Yours - #MondayBlues

Good Morning ! And am back with a ..... *Fhhhuussss* ! #MondayBlues

 I just ousted Sunday and become the mayor of #MondayBlues #FourSquare


Funny Cartoons

ALTIME FUNNY VIDEO !! Friday Vs Monday

Cheers !! Now say TGIM - Thank God Its Monday !!

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Sunday, October 16, 2011

Green Chicken Drumsticks Fry !

Sunday Cooking ! That's what I do if I have no plans. And this Sunday was no different either. While I don't cook entire food, just love to cook some side dish.

So as my wife asked me to dash to market and get whole chicken and other groceries, I made a plan to make some chicken fry. Some 2 weeks back I had made tandoori chicken but only with drumsticks,  with this packed ones you get from Godrej Chicken. I planned to just change color - Green Chicken. Had eaten this variety in one of the hotels some 2 months back.

So I googled some recipe from net and combined some 2-3 recipes (as most contained pahadi chicken or kebabs). It was difficult to find chicken legs fry recipe with green marinate. Finally accomplished and not so great outcome but when my Kid asked for 3 piece instead of usual 2 quota, it was paisa vasool. :)

Recipe :

Ingredients :
8 Chicken drumsticks (Leg piece - Godrej pack 2 nos contains 4 each)
Fresh Coriander - 1 bowl
Mint leave - 1 cup
Green Chilly Spicy - 5-6 (You can add more as per choice)
Ginger - Garlic paste -  2 table spoon (or around 10 cloves of garlic + 3.5 inches Ginger)
Garam Masala - 1 tea spoon
Coriander Powder - 1 tea spoon
Curd - 1 Tablespoon.
Salt for taste
Oil to fry.

1. Grind Ginger, Garlic, Coriander, Mint leaves to fine paste.
2. Add Garam masala, corainder powder, curd and salt and mix well for 3 mins. (You can keep some mixture without adding yogurt and this makes a nice chutney for serving)
3. Make long cuts on drumsticks to ensure chicken gets marinated well. Add them to the mixture and mix it well.
4. Keep the mixture for approx 1 hour time.
5. Heat the frying pan and add some oil and fry them. You can serve with the chutney we created.
6. You can also cook it in microwave in greased casserole on maximum temperature. It will be ready in approximate 10-12 mins.

Well when I made it, it really didn't look green and now I know in hotel its all that is a color that they add. But it was worth a good Sunday Dish !

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Saturday, October 15, 2011

Brain Games for Kids - Blackberry

There's more on Blackberry beyond checking emails... and of course checking your social networking Apps. My engagement with technology is beyond its basic features. That's when I become vulnerable to my weakness - GAMES !

While am a PC gamer and spend hours playing Cricket or RPG games. COD has been my favorite and can go 6 hours non-stop. Confession time - most games either easily available (pirated copies) on net or I borrow from friends. Since I never used Nokia most of Mobile games I downloaded were Java Games. Prior to Blackberry I had HTC, hence did a lot exploring on Windows Games too and had tons of them downloaded and deleted and Favorited only few for long time on phone.

Blackberry has been with me now for 2 years, and many of my friends still ask me for games recommendation. But am specifically writing this blog on Games for Kids on Blackberry. Reason's quite simple. My 10 year old daughter would take my phone to play games, every time either when am at her school bus stop or we are travelling and she needs to pass her time. And am sure this is everyone's house today. Kids want to play game on phone and .... there it drains your phone battery. But wouldn't it be good if you make them plays such game which keeps their mind sharp or something educates them. So instead of some usual car- racing, brick games I chose these 3 games that I allow my kid to play. Guess what she just wants to play those as its fun. Pssstt... I play it too..!

So am listing only 3 Games - Curve 8520. Will evaluate and test more games soon.

1. Mystery Mania (Logic Building, Puzzle Solving )

This game is a complete story of different episodes. Starts with a mystery when a Robot wakes up and does not remember what happened in the Mansion, which belong to a mad scientist. Scientist apparently calls Robot his son and is missing. Now Robot has to solve the mystery to find scientist and each level has certain task to fulfill to find scientist in each room. Over 25 rooms makes this 25 levels games worth having in your phone.

The best part of this game is its simple animation and story build up at each level. Its a must play game for your kid.

Game Owner : EA Games.

2. Brain Tester 24 Pack (Spatial, Memory, Perception and Logic)

This game pack really has testing games for all 4 categories mentioned with history and graph of how you performed or performing now. 6 interesting and fun games under each category, this game pack will keep your kid hours engaged in valuable activity. Games are so simple for even starting from 6 year old kid.

I trying to grab latest version now with new levels as am using version 2.0


Game Owner : Digital Chocolate

3.  Where's Waldo ? (Observation, Memory, Puzzle solving)

Find Waldo (often called Wally) is one of great game from one of successful campaign "Where's Wally" which is more famous online game. Waldo is lone travelers and travels in various parts of world.. most of crowded ones. The task is to find him in crowd. Because of its distinctive dress and attire, it gets lost in the images, although it is very well visible in art. Visit this site to get connected with game on PC.  The game pack on mobile comes with many different levels with practice, challenge and classic levels (which get unlocked as you get successful in challenges. Although I recommend this for you kid as must have on phone, but do not engage them a lot if your mobile screen is small. Curve screen sometime makes it difficult to find Waldo in small graphic.

Game Owner : Capcom

So do some google and grab a copy (I mean original) of these game for your handset. I did google and found these games available for atleast Java and Windows platform. Not sure they are on apple or android. But just in case you still can't find them... you know who to ask !! *smirk*

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Friday, October 14, 2011

UpBeat Blogs Week 2 by Blogoholics United

Here are my this week (7th to 13th Oct) favorite blog from week's Blogoholics United Marathon .. Again am loving all of them as each week pass by every blogger in this group is my guru to learn tricks and trade of blogging. Please read other blogs on their website.

If you happen to miss my last week blog sum-up read here.

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Thursday, October 13, 2011

What's on your mind ?

"is learning Bhojpuri" .. thats what I typed when Facebook asked me this question first time on August 23rd 2009. Well I was about to travel in 3 cities Lucknow, Gorakhpur and Varanasi to launch Bhojpuri Channel "Mahua". So just typed what was running in my mind at that moment.

I was still better on Orkut till then which had only one status update unlike wall post on facebook. It read on my orkut - "You are just AWESO without ME" . Ctrl-C / Ctrl-V update though.

"What's on your mind ?" on facebook wall changed the social networking engagement to new level with users chatting publicly (on Wall within friends circle) and post updates that may interest everyone. Its a great platform to share thoughts like an open forum with friends "Like"ing and commenting on it. While facebook goes beyond just from status post to apps, gaming, pages etc., Twitter holds big share in post updates with over thousands of tweets per second.

Not everyone has that knack of creative thinking. For those its considered best to "share" - actually Ctrl-C / Ctrl-V someone's post on "What's on your mind ?" . You are at your best if you have great sense of  humour. How many of your post are liked by your followers defines how much active are you on Social Media. Note I do not mean how frequent you post or how many got response with "Likes" or comments. Believe me, people who haven't even clicked "Like" on my post or commented, often asked me "Hey haven't seen ACTIVE recently on Facebook" if I don't even post for 4-5 days.

So its important how creative are you to maintain your social charm when you hit that "Update" button. I tag some of my post with #UpBeatThought. Read my recent blog on same here - #UpBeatThought

So here are some more my all time favorite. Some original, some Ctrl-C, Ctrl-V that kept me "Active" on Social Media consistently. Can you guess which one ?

... is infected with recession virus. Send donation for help"
The RACE Is NOT OVER Because I Haven’t WON Yet"
Coffee ? Tea ? Me ?"
What do I do with my Learner's License to Kill ?"
Here I am ! Now what are your other two wishes ?"
The best thing about my job is... my chair spins !! pphhhuuuurrrrrrrrr !"
thinks that web addresses should end with a .OM ...the world would be much more relaxed and peaceful..."

Smile and the whole world smiles with you. Fart ... and you stand alone.
Swine Flu is in the AIR ?..... I don't listen to All India Radio Anyways. :)
I enjoy breaking chain e-mails & my luck has remained good !
This is Thursday luck message. Forward this to 4 of your friends and starting today on 4th day you will get SUNDAY ! If you will ignore this message you will work for next 5 days after SUNDAY !! Believe me its true !!
If God sneezed, what would you say to him?
Kachha Pappad.. Pakka Pappad... Kachha Pappad.. Pakka Pappad... Kachha Pappad.. Pakka PaKad... Kachha...Kakkkad... Pappa..Chachhad... Kachha...Makkad... Kappaa... Zhakkadd..... SHIT I CAN'T EVEN WRITE IT RIGHT ! DAMN !!! GGRRR !!
Thinks God wanted to make Dreams as "Highlights of your Day"... But somethings goofed up...
has finished task of deleting INACTIVE friends from his friends list. If you can see this message........... consider yourself lucky !
Kingfisher shud rename to QueenSeeker. Just a thought..... REALLY
Noticd flight anouncmnt starts - “deviyo aur sajjano.“. Shudnt dat b “deviyo aur devtao..“ evryones travelling thru clouds.
<HEAD>Read my mind</HEAD>
Wonder why people after begging for rain for days get scarred to go out when it pours..... First thing that they think is to reach home without getting wet... Comeon !
Last one to logoff from facebook, Please turn off all lights ! Save energy ! - Issues in Facebook Citizens Interest.
Tip to reduce weight: first turn your head to the left and then turn it to the right, repeat this exercise every time you are offered something to eat.

 Munni.. Ur Zandubalm jadu won't work when u r pain in A##. Wish you be Burnnol cream sometime !
Be careful what you talk on FB wall.... Deewaron ke bhi kaan hote hain !
Mumbai Train Lingo #Western #Central #Harbour #BarahDabba #NauDabba #WindowSeat #TrainFriend #PlatformFriend #VideoCoach #Indicator #VirarLocal #Ladiesspecial #Fast #Slow #SemiFast #DoubleFast #AgeWalaFirstClass #PichewalaFirstClass #AgeWalaLadies #PicheWalaLadies #SecondClass #LuggageDabba #KhaliTrain #DadarLocal
My Life at Agency Side : All week I would play, eat, have fun and then slog on saturday, sunday, holidays !! ... Now my Life at Client Side : All week I would slog, presentations, meetings, planning, reporting and then make agencies work on Saturday, Sunday and Holidays !! :)
#Wondering what will you do if #notvday complements with NO BIWI DAY #RandomThought #FF @htnotvday
#Wonder if Modi's son will come to #IPLAuction next year & say "1000 Million dollars all teams. Yaha mere babuji ne bahot papad bele hain"
 If Indian daily soaps are to be believed then all men are the innocent PROPS in women's world ! #RandomThought #NowWatching #Uttaran
Am not so fond of classical singing but I always sing "Mile sur mera tumhara" in Pdt. Bhimsen Joshi tone. Power of his Voice !! RIP #Legend
Public announcement : As I forgot my earphones today, I begin my journey back home without ignoring the world. You may get my attention.
Tip of the day : Don't try Madhuri's signature eyeball dance movements on song "Ankhiya milaye kabhi ankhiya churaye kya tune kiya jadu" with your Earphones ON ! People may think you are RETARD !!
Thinking for a #ValentineDay gift ? Here's some recommendation. If U R single - iTouch, iPhone, iPad. if U R Married - iRON #RandomThought
Still #Wondering what to get your girlfriend for #ValentineDay ? Ask your wife. #DaringThought
I am typing this message to convey my message to person sitting next to me - STOP PEEPING IN MY PHONE !!!!!! #MumbaiTrain
TyPniG THiS MGsG JsUt TO CEhcK AigaN TMoRRw Mo3Ning tHat I w*s In mY sEnsEs ! BcaK h+me Form Freinds BaCh3loRs pARtY !!! *hic* !!! BUrPpp !!
The best thing of having peanuts from roadside hawker is paper "pudiya" - some school textbook tear-off you love to read !
#Wondering if employees of Consumer companies get best discounts on own products, do employees of matrimonial companies get best "items" ?
#Wondering very soon someone will tweet from phone "Now under shower, my soap didn't work, realised later its my phone :(" #RandomThought
All those who are Athiest - Thank _______ Its Friday ! And those who believe in GOD.... Thank Me ! #TGIF #UpBeatThought
 "Bhaisaab, can I use your feet space to stand ?" When will #MumbaiTrain Travellers learn to request #UpBeatThought
Daughter, Sister, Cousin, Niece, Mother, Grandmother, Aunt, Daughter-in-law, Mother-in-law, Friend, Girlfriend, Lover, FiancĂ©, Wife, Crush, Vamp, Bitch, Slut, Maid, Step-mother, Mistress, Colleague, Boss, Diva, Guardian, Nanny, Teacher, Mentor .. 
Whatever role you play in our lives.. Our life wouldn't be complete & beautiful without YOU ! 
?? Happy Woman's Day and may your life be filled with Happiness.. Always ! ??
Travelling, sitting half-bum next to autowalla, full-speed in a crowded road is a adventure ride on its own ! #UpBeatThought
THATS IT !! Too much of train travel !! Have decided to take my FIRST-STEP towards buying a car !! Tomorrow itself I will buy a KEYCHAIN 
 Dear Lankans, we don't have grudges with you like Pakistan. Let make it easy for you - Heads Hum Jeete, Tails Tum Haare !! #BleedLightBlue
Seeking blessing from God in temple and guy came in front with print on his back "Karo Zyada Ka Iraada". I doubled my wish-list to God !
Milkman asks buffalo "y am so black like u". Buffalo "tune mera dudh piya hain, tu bilkul mere jaisa hain" #AakhreeRaasta #NowWatching #ZeeCinema
Going to spend my holiday to write my first blog on "10 reasons I cannot write blog". If you don't find it on monday just don't ask me why !
Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man catch a #WindowSeat #MumbaiTrain
Boo !!! #FridayThe13th
Monsoon Tags - #Umbrella #Raincoat #TrafficJam #LateTrains #Flooding #Lightning #Waterfall #Picnic #LongDrive #CuttingChai #Bhajiya - more?
Jagyaism = Post Marital Lafada #NowWatching #BalikaVadhu
 Ladies and Gentleman. Kindly Hammer your way to a pleasant weekend. This is not a Drill ! #UpBeatFriday #TGIF
Got out of jam packed train ! #Wondering if my laptop's converted to sleek iPad !
Why do people order double cheeseburgers, large fries, and a DIET Coke
That #UpBeatMoment when you are working from home and stressed up with bad Internet connection, email replies, reports, calls and your Kid hugs you and says with wide smile "So happy you are at home !"
..And suddenly I see light in my life after 8hrs !! Thanks to Maharashtra State Electrical Board (MSEB) !!
One who says "Mard ko dard nahi hota" has never tried drinking CHILLED water with a BAD toothache !
For those on holiday may there be light in your life, for those working on saturday, may there be no light in office ! #UpBeatMorning
Agar zindagi mein koi bhul-chuk hui ho, gussa kiya, bura bol diya to...... Maafi mang lo !! Aaj mera mood achha hain !! #HappyFriendshipDay
My kid has joined FB, we felt this is the right timing. 
She cud learn some socialmedia too, don't mind if my post may sound rhyming !
 1 Thread, 1 Bond : Mightier than 007 ...... Happy #RakshaBandhan to all !!
Wife : "One change you should bring in you to be successful is to say NO ! Will you ?" Me: "No... err... Yes... err ... :(" #awkwardmoment
Vande Mataram or One-Day Mataram ? #YouPrefer .. Let this day not be just a holiday. Love your nation ... Forever ! Happy Independence Day !
Exam Question Revision: What is matter ? Answer by My Daughter : Matter is something that occupies space and has weight. For example : Pappa, his computer, sofa and remote !
My Kid : "Dad, who is Greek's God of Sea ?" Me : "Hmmm... That's difficult one, why do you want it, Is it a exam question, just study what teacher will ask in exam, .... " "Dad, just google and tell me the answer !" #AwkwardMoment
On this lovely saturday morning, decided to do most dare devil act, most men won't do nowadays ! WALK ... FEW MILES !! Warning : Do not try this at home !
 Stayed away from non-veg for 41 days, and I want to touch my feet for this feat ! SIGH !! :( No weight loss though :p #MissionImpossible
We curse for time we wasted playing, could have made us more successful if spent studying ! 20years down we will curse Facebook ! ;)
On other news person who tried to immolate himself 'coz of poverty was arrested by Income Tax for possession of 2Ltrs petrol ! #PetrolHike
Me:"See your favorite actor Ranbir Kapoor doesn't even know "moneyback" and "endowment" is related to Life Insurance (in KBC). This is how Hero's are !" 
My Kid : "Dad, he has so much of money, he may not have invested in Life Insurance !" #ThatAwkwardMoment

Many of them ask  "Why you add hashtag on your post on Facebook ?" as all of us associate hashtag with Twitter. Yes indeed, so here are two reasons and may help you too :

1. I use a multi account Social Media Application - Socialscope (similar to Ubersocial). I tweet more than posting updates on facebook. Hence not all post I would want to go on Facebook.  Hence I post only selected post to facebook but that goes to twitter too. Hence carries the hashtag on facebook update. Cool.. Well this wasn't the TIP.. but next is...

2. You can backup your entire facebook on your desktop and then go through all the wall post you did all time. Interesting enough to write a blog like this. Now since my most post carried hashtags, it was easy for me to pick them for this blog. Just Ctrl+F to find them with hashtag search. Now isn't that golden tip.

Watch for my #MondayBlues blog coming soon. Thanks.

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